Preparing For Lent

“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.”

‭‭John‬ ‭4:34‬ ‭ESV‬‬

With the season of Lent just around the corner, here are a few things to consider as we prepare.

1) Communicate your changes.

As you prepare for Lent, consider how your life and or schedule may change. Surrendering food or other items will most certainly cause you to feel more tired at times. When you are going without certain foods or things you are used to, like caffeine, you may also be irritable. Make sure that if you are going to give up a food item or change up your diet that you let your family know. Don’t do anything that would be detrimental to your health. You may need to consult your doctor as well.

2) Be healthy.

Many people who practice Lent take this as a time to focus on being healthy physically by replacing some foods with healthier choices.

Also for those who may be giving up other things like Social Media or gaming, feeding your minds with healthier things can be very good too.

Spending that time that would be used surfing the web or playing games could be used to read more, memorize scripture or having meaningful conversations face-to-face with family and friends.

3) Adopt some habits that you would potentially keep.

Often people may “give up” something for Lent. Switch it up by not giving up but picking up a new practice or replacing a bad/not so good/ thing for something better. For the next 40 days what is something you would like to do more of to become the person God wants you to be?

4) Pray and then Pray more.

There’s no doubt that for those who take the season of Lent seriously, there will be temptations and struggles. As you prepare, spend time praying about what God wants you to get out of the next 40 days. Ask God about what you should “give up” or “take up”. Pray and enter into this season with intentionality and purpose. Ultimately remember that this season or self-denial is to help us better appreciate Christ and His laying aside of all He had in heaven to bear the cross for us, to do the will of the Father.

These are just a few things to help you as you prepare. Lent begins on Wednesday, March 6th.

Do you have some thoughts about preparing for Lent?

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