Can You Hear Me Now? Part 1

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In our chaotic and busy lives, where do we find time to truly hear from God? How is possible that we can be so connected to others through media and technology and yet seeing or hearing God seems so foreign? Over the course of the next few days, I’d like to explore a few ways to help you not only hear from God but experience Him. This will require some discipline but if hearing from God is really a priority, it will be worth any sacrifices made.

Here’s a principle I think that is very important to remember: God is ALWAYS speaking.

Even in His silence, messages are communicated through different medium around us. The question is are we focused; are we tuned in and listening to God and what He has to say?

Over the last couple of years I have really taken an affinity to picture-taking. Not selfies mind you, but real pictures of nature and creation. In fact, I have looked at the sky more in the last two years than my entire life! Taking pictures has not only elevated my awareness of the beauty that I can take for granted sometimes but it has also helped me realize that God is always speaking. Psalm 19:1-4 says it like this:

1The heavens keep telling
the wonders of God,
and the skies declare
what he has done.
2Each day informs
the following day;
each night announces
to the next.
3They don’t speak a word,
and there is never
the sound of a voice.
4 Yet their message reaches
all the earth,
and it travels
around the world.

Psalm 19:1-4

What I have come to realize is that I can often spend much time wondering if God is speaking or what He is saying instead of actively looking and listening to how He is already communicating. Noticing creation and taking time to simply pay attention to it can open my heart and mind to God in ways I have never experienced. Why not take some time today and tomorrow and pay attention to God’s creation. Imagine the words God is saying to you through the sunrise, full moon or sunset. Listen closely for his voice in the sounds of the insects at night or the birds in the tress during the day. Look for God’s hand in the sky clouds and let His voice resound in your chest.

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Share some of your thoughts about hearing God’s voice and what He is saying to you. I’d love to know what God is doing through your time with Him.


George ProfileGeorge Lockhart is a missionary with Vision 2 Hear and serves as the Creative/Mission Pastor at New Vision Church in Fayetteville, GA


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