Quiet Time: Thoughts And Reflections

Quiet Time

. . . for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel! —1 Corinthians 9:16

God’s call on our lives is not always easily explainable. It’s much more of a supernatural yearning.Revealed in God’s own personal way to each person, a life calling radiates a light about a person’s demeanor that is certain and definite. Sometimes the calling may take years to mature and bear fruit nonetheless it is affirmed by God and others alike.There is an overwhelming sense of purpose, aching to accomplish a certain goal that God places deep within the person whom He is calling. In that moment or over the long haul the realization that God is saying “I chose you” for this moment, a time such as this, comes into focus.

God’s choice of you is not based upon your worthiness or holiness. It is singularly due to God’s good pleasure. He chooses whom He desires for His own reasons and purposes. God has a call for each purpose that is deeper than our own ideas or plans will take us. We can dream our grandest dreams and feel a sense of accomplishment because of them and still miss the mark of God’s call on our lives. God’s call may or may not result in our name being well-known but it will most certainly bring God the most the glory. Don’t chase your calling but case after God. When we chase Him, our calling will be fulfilled.

God’s call on a life is about God’s plan and agenda. His Will will prevail. When God calls a person, there is a sense of “must” that accompanies them, a compelling and driving force that is inexplicable aside from God. To the called, the waters rise and fall, the seasons of life change, yet onward they go, never questioning the circumstances because they know the Creator. The called cling to the Rock of their salvation and live with a deep-seated peace even in the chaos around them for they know the One who has called them is faithful and He will do it.

For more on this topic, read My Utmost For His Highest


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